5.9 Integrals of a linear function divided by a quadratic

L&T, 15.31-43

We now study the integral I =\mathop{ \mathop{\mathop{∫ }\nolimits }}\nolimits (px + q)∕({x}^{2} + ax + b)\kern 1.66702pt dx, i.e., linear over quadratic, where the quadratic does not factorize.

Example 5.18: 

Evaluate I =\mathop{ \mathop{\mathop{∫ }\nolimits }}\nolimits {4x − 1\over { x}^{2} + 2x + 3}\kern 1.66702pt dx.


5.9.1 Completing the Square


Completing the square is a simple idea that is surprisingly useful. First a definition:

A polynomial is a sum of powers of a variable x (say). The degree of this polynomial is its highest power.

Let us look at a few examples:

polynomial degree

(a) x + 11 Also called linear, since if we plot
(b) 4x1 the functions y = x + 1, y = 4x, etc.
(c) ax + b1 we get a straight line

(d) {x}^{2} + 2x + 12
(e) − 7{x}^{2} − 32 (also known as quadratic)
(f) {ax}^{2} + bx + c2

(g) {x}^{3}∕9 − πx3 cubic
(h) 12{x}^{6} + 0.0016

A polynomial of infinite degree is usually called an infinite power series.

Any polynomial of degree 2, i.e., a quadratic, can always be rearranged to have the form a{(x + b)}^{2} + c, as the square of a linear term plus a constant. Bringing a quadratic polynomial to this form is called completing the square.

5.9.2 Method

“Completing the square” is bringing a quadratic to the form a{(x + b)}^{2} + c.

In general, if two polynomials are equal, it means that the coefficient of each power of the variable are equal, since each power varies at a different rate with the variable. So in order to complete the square, we must equate coefficients of powers of x on both sides. We shall do this by example.

  1. Complete the square in {x}^{2} + x + 1:
    \begin{eqnarray*}{ x}^{2} + x + 1& =& a{(x + b)}^{2} + c %& \\ & =& a{x}^{2} + 2abx + c + a{b}^{2}.%& \\ \end{eqnarray*}

    Now equate coefficients of {x}^{2} on both sides. We find 1 = a, or a = 1. Then compare the coefficients of x. We conclude 1 = 2ab. Using a = 1 we find b = 1∕2. Now equate the constant term, 1 = a{b}^{2} + c = {1\over 4} + c. We conclude that c = 3∕4.
    Collecting all the results we find

    \class{boxed}{{x}^{2} + x + 1 ={ \left (x + {1\over 2}\right )}^{2} + {3\over 4}. }
  2. Complete the square in 2{x}^{2} − x.
    Solve 2{x}^{2} − x = a{(x + b)}^{2} + c. We compare coefficients of
    {x}^{2}:2 = a,
    x: − 1 = 2ab,thereforeb = −1∕4,
    const: 0 ={ ab}^{2} + c,thereforec = −1∕8.

    \class{boxed}{2{x}^{2} − x = 2{\left (x −{1\over 4}\right )}^{2} −{1\over 8}\quad . }

It is often useful to write the constant as

c = \left \{\array{ {d}^{2} \quad &\text{(if $c$ is positive)} \cr −{d}^{2}\quad &\text{(if $c$ is negative)} } \right .