If we start with the ground state we would expect that we can’t go any lower,
\hat{a}{u}_{0}(y) = 0.
| (9.17) |
This can of course be checked explicitly,
Quiz Can you show that {ϵ}_{0} = 1∕2 using the operators \hat{a}?
Once we know that {ϵ}_{0} = 1∕2, repeated application of Eq. (9.15) shows that {ϵ}_{n} = n + 1∕2, which we know to be correct from our previous treatment.
Actually, once we know the ground state, we can now easily determine all the Hermite polynomials up to a normalisation constant:
Indeed {H}_{1}(y) ∝ y.
From math books we can learn that the standard definition of the Hermite polynomials corresponds to
} = {(\sqrt{2})}^{n}{\left (\hat{{a}}^{†}\right )}^{n}{e}^{−{y}^{2}∕2
| (9.20) |
We thus learn {H}_{1}(y) = 2y and {H}_{2}(y) = (4{y}^{2} − 2).
Question: Prove this last relation.