We follow Ref.
[4], since the approach above is somewhat unsatisfactory; if we take the view that these results should be a direct outcome of the minimal coupling prescription discussed in the previous chapter, any such term
must be found from shifting
. Now that looks impossible when working with a Hamiltonian of the form
, but there is a crafty way out. First note that for particles with spin
with a wavefunction of the form
we really have to use a matrix Hamiltonian operator,
and we have carelessly ignored this. This can
usually be done safely, since spin decouples from the spatial motion, but that is not the case in a magnetic field! We can now use the identity discussed in appendix
A.9↓, to show that we have two equivalent forms,
These two forms are of course identical, but they behave differently under the minimal coupling substitution--for the subtle reason that
Evaluating the spin-dependent form of the Hamiltonian with minimal coupling we find
Here we used the fact that in a term of the form
can either act on
or the wave function
. In full operatorial notation,
We thus would argue that the Schrödinger equation for a particle in a field should be replaced by the