10.5 Wave packets (states of minimal uncertainty)

One of the questions of some physical interest is “how can we create a qunatum-mechanical state that behaves as much as a classical particle as possible?” From the uncertainty principle,

ΔxΔp ≥ {1\over 2}ℏ,

this must be a state where Δx and Δp are both as small as possible. Such a state is known as a “wavepacket”. We shall see below (and by using a computer demo) that its behavior depends on the Hamiltonian governing the system that we are studying!

Let us start with the uncertainty in x. A state with width Δx = σ should probably be a Gaussian, of the form

ψ(x,t) =\mathop{ exp}\nolimits \left (−{{(x − {x}_{0})}^{2}\over 2{σ}^{2}} \right )A(x).

In order for ψ to be normalised, we need to require

|A(x){|}^{2} = \sqrt{ {1\over { σ}^{2}π}}.

Actually, I shall show below that with

A(x) = \root{4}\of{ {1\over { σ}^{2}π}}{e}^{i{p}_{0}x∕ℏ},

we have

\langle \hat{x}\rangle = {x}_{0},\quad \langle \hat{p}\rangle = {p}_{0},\quad Δx = σ,\quad Δp = ℏ∕σ

The algebra behind this is relatively straightforward, but I shall just assume the first two, and only do the last two in all gory details.

\hat{p}\mathop{exp}\nolimits \left (−{{(x − {x}_{0})}^{2}\over 2{σ}^{2}} \right )A(x) = ({p}_{0} + iℏ{(x − {x}_{0})\over {σ}^{2}} )\mathop{exp}\nolimits \left (−{{(x − {x}_{0})}^{2}\over 2{σ}^{2}} \right )A(x).


\langle p\rangle = \sqrt{ {1\over { σ}^{2}π}}{\mathop{\mathop{\mathop{∫ }\nolimits }}\nolimits }_{−∞}^{∞}({p}_{ 0} + iℏ{(x − {x}_{0})\over {σ}^{2}} )\mathop{exp}\nolimits \left (−{{(x − {x}_{0})}^{2}\over 2{σ}^{2}} \right ) = {p}_{0}.

Let \hat{p} act twice,

\begin{eqnarray} \hat{{p}}^{2}\mathop{ exp}\nolimits \left (−{{(x − {x}_{0})}^{2}\over 2{σ}^{2}} \right )A(x)& =& \left ({p}_{0}^{2} + 2iℏ{p}_{ 0}{(x − {x}_{0})\over {σ}^{2}} − {ℏ}^{2}\left [{{(x − {x}_{0})}^{2}\over {σ}^{4}} − {1\over { σ}^{2}}\right ]\right ) ×%& \\ & & \mathop{exp}\nolimits \left (−{{(x − {x}_{0})}^{2}\over 2{σ}^{2}} \right )A(x). %&(10.20) \\ \end{eqnarray}

Doing all the integrals we conclude that

\langle {p}^{2}\rangle = {p}_{ 0}^{2} + {{ℏ}^{2}\over 2{σ}^{2}}.

Thus, finally,

Δp = \sqrt{\langle {p}^{2 } \rangle −\langle {p\rangle }^{2}} = {ℏ\over σ}

This is just the initial state, which clearly has minimal uncertainty. We shall now investigate how the state evolves in time by usin a numerical simulation. What we need to do is to decompose our state of minimal uncertainty in a sum over eigenstates of the Hamiltonian which describes our system!