Chapter 1
Complex Numbers

 1.1 Basic Properties
  1.1.1 Introduction
  1.1.2 Basic Definitions
 1.2 Polar Form of Complex Numbers
  1.2.1 Vector Representation
  1.2.2 Argument and Modulus
  1.2.3 Manipulations in Vector/Polar Form
  1.2.4 Complex exponential
  1.2.5 De Moivre’s Theorem
 1.3 The Exponential Function
  1.3.1 A Power Series for {e}^{x}
  1.3.2 Power Series for \mathop{sin}\nolimits (x) and \mathop{cos}\nolimits (x)
 1.4 Euler’s Formula
  1.4.1 The Unit Circle
  1.4.2 Roots, n–th roots of unity
 1.5 Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
  1.5.1 Definitions
  1.5.2 Inverse hyperbolic functions
  1.5.3 Derivatives
  1.5.4 Hyperbolic Identities